After creating my mega-sized blog post about Baycon, you might not think there’s anything left to say. I even sent my mother to the post when she asked how my trip went. However, in the days since the convention I’ve realized a few more things need to be added. The Wickeds seems to be selling […]
Author: H.E. Roulo
Con Report Baycon 2012
I had a great weekend attending panels in sunny California! The blog is in two sections, first is my personal experience. Panel names are in bold for easy skimming. Beneath that, section two contains general tips for conventions. My Experience All my panels went spectacularly. FRIDAY My first panel was the Character Slam Book. Emerian […]
Baycon Schedule
I promised you a listing of my Baycon schedule. I will be a guest participating in quite a few panels and readings. Official panel descriptions are in blue, and I’ve added my own notes after. Friday May 25, 2012 Character Slam Book Hands-on Activity (Camino Real at 5:30 PM) Emerian Rich will lead a class […]
The Wickeds Anthology Now Available!
The Wickeds: A Wicked Women Writers Anthology (Volume 1) is now available in print on Amazon. It includes my contest winning short story Graveyard Shift (and Reshift). Here’s the release information from the publisher. The Wickeds A Wicked Women Writers Anthology (Volume 1) Available now at Edited by Hollie Snider presents thirteen horror […]
I Need an Editor. Now What?
Finding a skilled, reliable, affordable freelance book editor isn’t impossible, but the range of options out there makes it confusing. I’ll share my experiences and see if it helps. With my first novel, I went with word of mouth from people I knew. I went for cheap. I ended up with a series of editors […]
How to Find Places to Publish Short Stories
Writers looking to be published often ask how they can find markets for their short stories. The very best site I’ve found for learning about anthologies and other publishing opportunities is There, they let you search, sort, and track markets. Speculative fiction writers can also use Horror writers might find the Library of […]
8 Novel Editing Steps – The Basic Overview
Writers love to write. They love writing so much more than editing that they write articles about how to edit and let their doughy mess of a manuscript sit beside the keyboard. (Not that I would do that. Heh.) But within the surplus of information they agree on certain points: Get Perspective 1.) Finish and […]
A Simple Novel Outline – 9 questions for 25 chapters
Just as every tree is different but still recognizably a tree, every story is different but contains elements that make it a story. By defining those before you begin you clarify the scope of your work, identify your themes, and create the story you meant to write. At Norwescon 2011 I sat in on a session […]
Four Steps for a Successful New Fiction Writer
When a friend discovered that I am an author and have sold several short stories he asked how to begin writing fiction. And much to my surprise, I had a list of strong suggestions that broke down into four main areas. Step 1: Write Yes, if you want to be a writer you do have to put […]
Kindle Publishing Strategies – The short story test
photo © 2009 goXunuReviews | more info (via: Wylio) Why Independent Publishing? Authors work hard, with little acknowledgement, begging publishers to pluck them from the mob and tell them their work is valuable. So it is understandable that recent stories of ebook millionaires and how Barry Eisler, an established author, turned down half a million dollars to […]